Looking at books

Bernard Shaw once said that far too many people read books and not enough people spent their time looking at them. Eckhard Froeschlin is doing something to put this right - he makes the most beautiful books - combining a marvellous eye for typography with a free, often abstract illustration style. The books often have double or treble pages which fold out so that the book itself becomes a kind of gallery. They sell to collectors, libraries and universities all over the world.

To see this work is a great treat. I have admired fine books since being lucky to know Will Carter and the work of the Rampant Lion Press in Cambridge. Eckhard is a cheerful man, richly gifted and wearing his knowledge and skill very lightly.

Gustav Mahler said ‘Tradition is not the worship of the ashes, but the preservation of the flame’. Eckhard Froeschlin is doing just that.


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