I was introduced to unicorns by Sam Hepburn, who came to my woodblock printmaking class at the Royal West of England Academy. She is a treasure, a Scottish-Malaysian cartoonist now living (I think) in the Netherlands and her work is insightful, clever and very funny. The last year of following the political situation in the US and the UK has been a fruitful experience, so far as my understanding of unicorns is concerned. Since Sam first showed me their existence, my understanding of their habitat, nourishment, breeding habits and social interaction continues to grow. For all that, l’m still rather in the dark about their modes of thought – unicorn group psychology – but I will persist with trying to understand.
I’m sure that 2019 will be a particularly successful year for unicorns. They are particularly successful just now in the English-speaking world, although their habitat is known to be global. I hear that they will make us unbelievably proud and free, and give us back a feeling of control which we may have subconsciously lost over the last fifty years. With unicorns, one seems to know that things will never be quite the same as they were before we knew them.